Here is a little information taken from their website!
It was Easter Sunday in 2017. I had come home from church and spent the afternoon picking blackberries. I returned home with buckets and buckets full of them! After enough cobbler and muffins, I decided to get creative! That creativity led to the first batch of Blackberry Honey Butter.
After giving samples to friends and family with rave reviews, I decided to try my hand at selling it! I hosted a tasting party one afternoon and not one person attended! I felt defeated, but was ready to continue on my journey. However, my sister made a Facebook post highlighting the Blackberry Honey Butter for sale and the tides turned!
Now, over 5 years later, we have continued our journey in the world of butter with so many fun adventures!
We have created over 60 flavors of sweet and savory butters, been featured in 3 magazines, 3 tv shows, 2 podcasts, won 1 award for best King Cake Inspired Treat and much more!
Come see us at Reney’s Honey Butter brick-and-mortar storefront called The Cottage for breakfast and lunch featuring our new Spud Bar and join our Butter Family!